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A Wedding Prayer: A Wedding Is On, A New Family Is Born

Lord, we pray for the wedding coming up, for good health for all,

Pleasant weather, safety, and your presence in every part of the church and hall.

We pray for strength of body, heart, and mind for the elderly,

Joy and gladness for those who plan, arrange, and execute,

For wisdom, guidance, and your watchful eye over all,

That everything done and said will bring Glory to you alone.

Lord, as dresses and clothes are made and bought

We pray they will mold the hearts of the bride and groom.

That both families will look beyond all differences

At the God who unites.

That food prepared and menus planned

Will not be one to showcase wealth.

That nothing will be wasted, that all will be filled and satisfied.

That those who come will be fed with love and compassion.

That those who work on decorations, design cards, cut vegetables

Stir curries and serve, will be blessed, and filled.

That the voices which sing at the service will praise God from the heart.

That the parents of the bride and groom and the siblings

Will draw near to God like never before.

That ‘To have and to hold from this day forward…

Until parted by death’ will be lived out by the grace of God.
