Three Tips to Working Efficiently from Home


Due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak, many people are getting to experience what it’s like to work from home. While there can be a lot of benefits to working from home it can also be a challenge.  Here are three tips to help you be efficient while working from home. 

Get Ready for the Day 

Typically, when people think of working from home they imagine being in their PJs and slippers. While you can still wear comfy clothes, including your slippers, I do recommend getting ready for the day. This could be taking a shower, brushing your hair, or putting on a coat of mascara. Whatever tells your mind that you are starting your day. It helps me to wear something different than what I wore to bed. By starting my day getting ready, I feel energized and ready to work. 

Have a Schedule 

When you are working from home, it’s easy to sleep in late or work into the evenings. As tempting as this might be, try to stick to a schedule. If you typically start work at 8 am continue doing that. If you take breaks throughout the day schedule them.  

One of the biggest challenges I have found working from home is that I feel I can get easily distracted. You decide to get a snack from the kitchen and then realize your dishes need washing, etc. Try to focus in on your work by scheduling when you will have your breaks. Sometimes I even set a timer for how long I want to single-mindedly focus on what I’m working on.  I can’t get up or work on anything else until that timer goes off. You might not need to be that strict on yourself but experiment and find out what works for you. 

Create a Designated Area for Work 

If you don’t typically work from home you might not have a designated place in your house for working. Having a designated area for work is important and will make you more productive. Our environment is constantly sending us messages of things we should do and different environments send different messages. It's going to be challenging to get work done in an area that is cluttered and messy. For example, if you are doing work in your kitchen you might be distracted to do the dishes as I mentioned earlier.  

An environment that is free from distractions will make it easier for you to get work done. Clear away any clutter in the area you plan on working. I also recommend avoiding working in your bedroom if possible. Not only is it full of distractions, but it's also been proven that working in your bedroom can make it harder for you to sleep at night.   

Working from home allows you to be more of your own boss, but while you might not have a boss leaning over your shoulder, remember that everything we do is unto God.  Work diligently as if you were being watched and enjoy the rewarding, new experience of working from home. 

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. – Colossians 3:23-24 (NKJV) 

What tips have you found to help you be more efficient while working from home? 


Sharon Stark is the founder and creator of You Are a Creative Force, a blog empowering women to walk in their God-given identity and live out their creative dreams. She enjoys all types of creative outlets including writing, dancing, performing, and public speaking. In 2016, she became a licensed minister through Charis Bible College and currently works as a creative editor telling stories for a world-wide ministry.