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Jesus at my House

Jesus at my house!?

Have you wondered what it would be like if Jesus walked into your house/ apartment or room? 

As I pondered that, I wrote this poem. You may want to read it and reflect on the verses given.

A Visitor Tonight

If Jesus was visiting your house tonight

Would He hear you raise your voice

Or would you be ever so polite,

Acting as Miss, Mr. or Mrs. Right?


Would you wish you had cleaned the dishes?

And put out a flower or two?

Would you have to do some rearranging

Or can you happily bid Him in?


Would you hide the books and magazines,

And maybe switch off the TV?

Or would you just change channels,

Pretending to be relaxed, carefree?


Would you have to dust your Bible

And put it out for him to see?

Would you wish to call your friends 'round

For meeting the Creator over tea?


Would there be laughter at the table?

Would grace precede serving of food?

Would Jesus like the menu served?

Will he be happy with your mood?


Would you have to cancel some appointments?

Delete texts,emails too?

Would He like to browse those sites

Which you normally do?


Would He find pride and hatred?

Between family and friends alike?

Or would there be love and

Harmony overflowing instead?


Do we sometimes fail to remember

That Jesus watches us today?

Our actions,words and expressions

What do they want to portray?


For quiet reflection and prayer:

Ephesians 5:1a Be imitators of God

Ephesians 5:19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you

Luke10:39-40 Martha had a sister named Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be done.

Luke 19:5b (Jesus told Zacchaeus) I must stay at your house today.

Luke 24:30 and 31a When he was at the table with them he took bread gave thanks, broke it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and he recognised them.