Advent Word Study: Week Two

***Editor’s Note: This year we are privileged to have, Yvonne, a reader from New Zealand publish our Advent study. For those who don’t know Advent is a countdown to Christmas and this is a perfect time to learn more about Advent. Join us the next 4 weeks on Mondays via for a new week’s article for you to reflect on throughout your week. This Advent study will be available after Christmas in it’s completion in our shop for you to use moving forward. We encourage you to bring your friends/family along on the journey. In December our articles are paused for our team to reflect solely on Christmas and enjoying the season with family/friends, as well as prepping for the New Year. We pray you enjoy this study and learn more of God’s heart for You.

This week we will be studying verses with the word OBEY.

Day 1

Look up the meaning of the word OBEY.

Write the following verses and highlight words that stand out.  Share these with your group.

Joshua 1:7 



Day 2

Read Luke 1:26-38.  How did MARY respond to the angel?  Do you think it was difficult for Mary to respond as she did?  Explain.

Day 3 

Read Matt. 1:18-25.  How does Joseph respond to the angel?  What does his response teach us?

Day 4

Think of another Old or New Testament character who obeyed God in difficult circumstances.  Read the passage that speaks of his/her obedience.  What insights about obedience do you learn from the passage?

Day 5

In what difficult area is God calling you to trust and obey Him?

(1)  Call a friend and share your thoughts on what you learned about obedience.  Pray together.

(2)  Write a verse from this study to learn by heart.  Write it on your bauble and share it with the group. 

(3) Pray for yourself and the people in your group in the area of TRUSTING and OBEYING God.


I have the privilege of living in New Zealand, one of the most beautiful countries in the world and truly a glimpse of paradise. After retiring from active service as a Personal Assistant 4 years ago, the Lord fulfilled my desire to serve in the mission field. I spent a few months in Fiji in 2018 serving destitute women in Lovu HART (Housing Assistance Relief Trust), a village complex that shelters single mothers (most of them Christian) with a meager income. It's heart-rending to see women struggling to survive and yet eager to learn more about our Lord and Saviour. During my time there besides tidying up the HART records and assisting in the office, I conducted Bible studies for the women, young adults, and kids in the village I lived in. I still keep in touch with the women there and hope to revisit again God-willing.

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