Advent: The Betrothal


This wasn’t a modern-day engagement. In ancient Jewish culture, there were two ceremonies involved in marriage. 

The first ceremony was the betrothal. This was a formal term for committing the wife to the husband. When they were betrothed, they were legally married. 

After the betrothal ceremony, the wife went back to live with her father, and her husband would go off to make a home for the couple.

After a year, the husband would return for his bride. This was the wedding ceremony that formally completed the marriage. The bride could be with her groom, and they were joined forevermore.

 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 

John 14:2-3

Mary was betrothed to Joseph when she became pregnant with our Savior.

She was in the already but not yet.

She was already committed to Joseph. He was hers yet their marriage customs were not complete.

Friends, this is a beautiful picture of our lives as believers as we wait for Jesus to return for his bride, the church. Us.

He has already come, and He is coming back.

We are already His. And we eagerly wait to be with Him forever.

TheologyKayley MyersComment