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10 Books To Read This Summer

One of my favorite parts about school breaks is having the time to read. My family moved to the United States when I was eight years old, and I learned the English language through reading. I devoured every type of book I could find. With a dictionary in one hand, I would read for hours until it got to a point when my parents had to beg me to take breaks to get some fresh air outside.

Unfortunately, this is my last summer vacation now that I've graduated from law school, and I'll be spending most of it studying for the bar exam. Nonetheless, I'm determined to catch up on all the books I've ordered and stacked up on my nightstands! So, here is what I'm reading + some of my old favorites (fiction and non-fiction) that I think every set apart young woman should read!


1. The Finishing School by Valerie Woerner

I've been slowly working my way through this book in 2016, and it's a breath of fresh air. In her quiet, insightful way, Valerie speaks to you with grace and encouragement through this school of life we're all in. From a guide to Bible study to a guide to influence, each chapter is like a heart to heart with the older sister I never had. Oh, and part of the proceeds from all her sales go to charity through the Boaz Fund!

2. The Royal Wedding Series (Once Upon a Prince, Princess Ever After, How to Catch a Prince) by Rachel Hauck

I've only read two of these (halfway through the third!), but they are so good! Seeing as our mission at Tirzah is centered around Esther, the ordinary girl chosen to be queen, I've always loved stories where an ordinary girl becomes royal and her humility and simplicity leaves everyone in awe of her beauty and view of the world. These books are like that - well written, simple, and wholesome. These are great summertime reads.

3. Make It Happen by Lara Casey

I'm a huge fan of Lara Casey - she is the editor of Southern Weddings, creator of the PowerSheets and a new mama of three. If you've ever craved a life of intention and purpose, then you'll love Lara's testimony and her advice on surrendering your fears and taking the leap to live on purpose.

4. Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

I first read parts of this book in college for a class, and it changed the way I viewed the world. This book features inspiring stories of extraordinary women across the globe. The authors touch on some important topics - poverty, human and sex trafficking, access to health care, raising a family - and how we can improve all these things and much more for all women around the world. If you've ever wondered how you can make an impact on the world and have a heart for women and children, this book is the tool kit for showing you the way. Personally, after hearing a sex trafficking survivor speak a few months ago, the Lord has kept prompting me to look deeper into these industries that are exploiting many young women. So, to start, I'll be re-reading this book!

5. Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge

This book is a New York Times bestseller, but I personally did not read it until last year and I don't know why I waited so long! This book speaks to the unique way women were created and what Godly femininity looks like. Girl, this will speak to places of your heart that you didn't even know existed.

6. Discipline by Elisabeth Elliot

I've read a lot of quotes from Elisabeth Elliot and I'm familiar with her story, but this is the first book of hers that I'm reading. Discipline is something I personally struggle with in a lot of areas of my life, and this book continues to convict my heart (I'm about halfway through!). From discipline of the mind to work, Elisabeth Elliot challenges us to be true women of God.

7. Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis

If you haven't yet read this book, you must! In this book, Katie shares her story of moving from Tennessee to Uganda at the age 0f 19 where she ended up adopting 13 children and making a life and a ministry in Uganda. It's simple, pure, and incredibly inspiring!

8. Beauty for Ashes by Dorothy Clark

Set in early Philadelphia, this book is a beautiful love story that blossoms between two very broken people. I've read this book like a dozen times, and it gets more beautiful each time. Honestly though, all of Dorothy's books are beautifully written, wholesome, sweet, and carry a message of hope. A few of my other favorite Christian fiction authors are Elizabeth Camden, Tamara Alexander, Karen Kingsbury, and Jen Turano.

9. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

I mentioned this book in our Proverbs 7 study, and I recommend it to everyone I meet because this book is the epitome of the love and mercy God has for his children. Based on the book of Hosea, this is a fictional story of a man who is told by God to marry a prostitute. And every time I read this book, I feel God's love for me to the bottom of my toes.

10. If You Find This Letter by Hannah Brencher

If you haven't yet discovered HB, you're missing out on some beautiful words in your life. I bought this book the day it came out and read it on a plane to and from Chicago. Hannah has a talent for words and expressing things that we all struggle with, yet can't quite explain. Her story will inspire you, and by the end, you'll want to write a love letter to everyone you know and even the stranger you see at the coffee shop each morning.

BONUS: How to Live a Set Apart Life in the Modern World

If you haven't yet, download our new devotional study as we delve deeper into Romans 12. If you're looking for a way to make Bible study a daily habit this summer, this study is the perfect way to spend time in the Word daily + grow in your faith and walk with the Lord.

What are you reading this summer? Share your recommendations in the comments!

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