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Verses That Have Helped Me In My Journey To Being Shame-Free

Shame is something I have struggled with a fair bit in my lifetime. As with all areas of life, I have tried to find guidance and meaning in the Word - and shame has been no exception.  In my journey to being shame-free, I have found verses that have helped me. There are two scriptures in particular that have really been significant in that journey:  

“There is no condemnation in Christ” -Romans 8:1

Christ, the one person who has the right to judge me, does not condemn me at all. In fact, He forgives me quicker than I forgive myself. Jesus doesn’t use the negative statements I use about myself. He doesn’t look at me with the same critical eye. This does not mean He doesn’t correct me, but it’s always for my good and His glory. It’s usually about growth in character and maturity, and not ever about my worthiness.

So, when I recognize that shame-feeling, I know it’s not coming from Him. This means I don’t have to accept it. In fact, I reject it! John 3:17 says “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.” Jesus came to Earth so that we didn’t have to be condemned, and I don’t want anything but that which He has to give me.

“Seated us with Him in the heavenly realms.” -Ephesians 2:6-7

God is not ashamed of me. He isn’t hiding me away so that no one can see me. He is proud of me and rejoices in every bit of progress I make. We aren’t just made in His image; we are His workmanship. We have been fashioned and labored over. Even when I do sin, at the very moment I repent, He forgives me and promises to keep no record of my wrongs. It’s like it never happened! So why are we condemning ourselves? 

If we partner with shame, it’s effective in all the wrong ways. At my lowest point, shame has pushed me to consider whether life is worth living. The Bible is clear that the enemy comes to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’. And shame certainly does all three.

So, keep fighting shame with the Word! It’s the greatest weapon we have.


Melanie J. Saward is a published author and freelance Christian writer. She recently published 'Ministry Stinks: One Leader's Journey from Despair to Joy" in which she shares her tips for thriving in ministry gleaned from after her time as a Pastor. She is passionate about the Body of Christ, and finding healing and freedom in and through the word. She is married to Josh and has one cheeky 7 year old daughter, and 3 dogs.