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A Thrill of Hope Day 4: Jeremiah 23

I will gather the remnant of my flock from all the lands where I have banished them, and I will return them to their grazing land…They will no longer be afraid or discouraged, nor will any be missing.” Jeremiah 23:3-6 CSB

Jeremiah is speaking hope to the people of Jerusalem in this passage. The Northern Kingdom of Isreal has already been destroyed and scattered by Assyria some years back, and at this point in history, Jerusalem continues in their idolatrous sin without realizing that their days are numbered. Babylon is coming soon.

God called the prophet Jeremiah as a young man to speak truth and hope to the people of Jerusalem, although he knew their hard hearts would forbid them to listen. In chapter 23, we read of a wise and righteous king who would be raised up by God in order to save the nation of Israel from self-inflicted chaos. His coming meant peace.

I think of what I’ve done, said, and broken. The realization that I am utterly unable to restore any of it weighs painfully heavy on my heart. My sins and constant mess-ups are constantly before me eyes. No need for wicked and evil people to pierce my hands… it’s clear that I am quite capable of doing that all by myself. But Gods heart mourns for me and you, and all of us who are human and prone to sin. Best of all, he never leaves us in our darkness.

The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. You will not despise a broken and humbled heart, God. Psalm 51:17 CSB

He has known from the beginning that our feeble efforts will never be enough for salvation. For this reason he raised up Jesus - that wise king who brings peace, that “righteous branch” who saves us all from our chaos.

When I turn to Jesus, I can pour out all my grief and mire and start over with true and permanent forgiveness. Because I can turn to Jesus, I have hope for my future. He guides and guards me and he holds his hand out to you too. Don’t hesitate to respond; give your weary heart a chance for peace.