When Life Disappoints

What do you do when life disappoints you? Or what about when it’s someone who lets you down? How do you handle those moments in life?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. I’m in this new phase of life where my sons are grown and out of the house all day while they each work full-time jobs, and after years of homeschooling them, I have time on my hands. I’ve wondered about this day for so long—what I would do with all of that extra time: would I still be content staying at home? Would I get a job? Well, my dream job came open in my hometown, and I promptly filled out an application to turn in. It was the perfect job for me— a part-time library assistant. (I am a self-proclaimed bookworm and have been for more than 39 years.)

Could there be any job more perfect for me?

I waited for weeks, and finally, I called our town hall, who hires for government jobs such as this. The lady told me she was sorry; the position had been filled. (I’d been checking the website regularly every few days, except for a 24-hour time frame, and it was then that it was filled and no longer listed online.) The lady I spoke with was very kind, and we chatted for a few minutes after she answered my question, then we exchanged pleasant goodbyes, and I disconnected the call.

I took a deep breath, because immediately I began to feel disappointment creeping in. And just as quickly as those feelings snuck up on me, the Lord gently reminded me of what I’d prayed weeks prior to this as I filled out that application. I remember praying that day—I specifically asked Him to help me to be okay with however it all turned out in the end. I told Him I didn’t want to do something like this just because I felt like it was right or the next best thing to do—I told Him I wanted to be in His will, and I only wanted to do whatever He wanted me to do. I also asked Him to help me to remember this prayer and to really mean and feel those words from the bottom of my heart.

All of this came rushing back to me as I also temporarily struggled with feelings of disappointment, but isn’t the Lord so sweet? It is just like Him to do this kind of thing for me, right at that very moment. 

You see, I really do want to delight in Him and in His ways. I want the desires of my heart to line up with His will in my life and as perfect as this job sounded, I knew in that instant it wasn’t what He had for me right then. I’ll confess here that I kept checking the town website to see if other jobs were available that might be of interest to me, and I saw another library position open up. I printed out the application and filled it out, but it’s still sitting in my car. This is not what I’m supposed to be doing right now! Sometimes I’m stubborn and need a more constant reminder. I don’t really know with certainty what is going to be next for me in my life right now, but whatever it is, I want to be here for it and ready for Him to use me however He sees fit. 

In the time that has passed since then, I can confidently say that the Lord has given me complete and perfect peace. I love what Philippians 4:7 says about this peace in the CSB translation:

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:7 CSB

He has also opened up some more writing opportunities for me. I love to write and consider it a talent that He gave to me, so I’d love to use it more for Him than I do right now. I help write Bible studies for women with a group of four other ladies that I attend church with, and we’re in the process of writing our next study right now. But one day after I found out the position at the library had been filled, and I’d prayed again, asking the Lord to help me to be patient and content in the waiting, a friend from church called me. He asked me if I’d be interested in doing some writing for our new church website that launches in January. 

Friend, that is no accident. It is no coincidence. The Lord is sovereign and in control of every situation and area of our lives. He doesn’t usually answer our prayers in the time frame that we expect, but He is faithful to hear, and if we pray in His will, He will answer according to that. I had told Him that I wanted to do work for His kingdom and His glory. I don’t know why it still surprises me when I realize that He is in all the little details of life, but I was amazed at Him once again, and all I could do was to keep thanking Him over and over again after that phone call. What a humbling moment that was for me.  

I did pray about that particular thing, by the way, because my friend asked me to make sure and pray about it before agreeing and committing, but my answer was clear. I said yes, and we’ve been talking ever since, and we hope to meet soon and brainstorm about some of our ideas.

This isn’t the first time I’ve been disappointed about something, and it won’t be the last. I’ve been let down by family, friends and situations. No matter what I face, I know there is One who will never disappoint me. His name is Jesus. When I fix my eyes on Him, I am able to gain much-needed perspective. When my relationship with Him is right, and when I am in continual communication with Him by reading His word and spending time with Him in prayer, I know things are likely to turn out just fine and exactly how He had purposed all along. 

Maybe this is something you need to read today, friend. Know that when you are feeling let down, Jesus is there right beside you. Nothing ever takes Him by surprise! He has been around before time began, and He set the world in motion before you and I were even a thought. He is sovereign. He is trustworthy. I’ll leave you with one of my favorite passages in Scripture:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight” -Proverbs 3:5-6, CSB


Jennifer Goodwin is a wife, and mom to four (almost) grown sons. The Lord has called her to serving in several different ministries within her church home, some of which are bible study and leading younger women, and helping in the leading of worship on Sundays. During the week you can find her writing on her blog, Overflowing With Thanksgiving and encouraging others through her favorite social media outlet: Instagram. Follow along with her and be encouraged at @jenlloydgoodwin.