Posts in Relationships
Dancing on My Own, but Looking Up

I was a bunhead back in the day and loved every minute of it. I especially loved a good waltz turn! I have danced but never been dancing. There is a difference. When you dance you stand alone, but dancing, you are in another’s arms. It’s uncommon to find a girl waiting on God’s best when it comes to the guy she could spend the rest of her life with. It’s more normal to find a chick who dates around and lost her virginity four guys ago. That’s not me; I am waiting for God’s ultimate best. I’m not settling for a good time; I’m waiting for a man after God’s own heart.

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5 Red Flags To Beware Of While Dating

Navigating the world of dating can be tricky. While the Bible mentions marriage and the relationship between a woman and a man, there’s not really anything directly related to dating. Unsurprisingly, the people of the Old and New Testaments weren’t exactly playing mini-golf and sending memes to the opposite sex for long periods before getting married.

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Feed The Word

I had just reached school, my workplace. As I walked to my room, I watched the parents say goodbye to their dear children and leave. It was the start of the school year and some of the children were a little unsettled and looked worried. I saw the expressions of the parents-they looked as if they were bursting with love for their little ones.

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Growing Together In Marriage

As I approach my third wedding anniversary, I’m aware of just how much I didn’t know about marriage when I first got a ring on my finger. I thought that I was the kind of person who was more interested in having a good marriage instead of planning a good wedding, so I focused on reading as many books about marriage as possible and listening to all the advice I could find beforehand.

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Transitioning From Singleness To Marriage

Let me begin by saying, I was single for twenty years. (Which doesn't sound like that much time, but a lot of life happened in those twenty years.) I was a self-described “strong and independent woman.” Singleness was amazing, though it was hard some days (I’m downplaying how often I cried in my car), but it was fulfilling to know I was focusing my time on serving God. Honestly, I expected there would be a much longer process between being single, and being in a relationship. Perhaps a couple of months of, “hmm, I could adjust to the idea of not being single anymore.” or something. Fireworks? A giant sign?

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Finding God's Lens For Motherhood

Having children is like a walk in the park. Jurassic Park, to be precise.”
Before I had kids, this was a quote that I laughed at but didn’t really understand. Now, it’s something that I laugh at because it can feel so true. It doesn’t matter how many of your friends or family have kids before you and offer their advice and experiences to assist you on your own journey, there is truly nothing that can prepare you for what lies ahead. Much like the crew that John Hammond assembled in the first of this movie franchise - not a single one of them knew enough about dinosaurs despite all the books they’d read and bones they’d assessed to face them in real-time.

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The Goodness Of Singleness

When I was a freshman in high school, my friend in the youth group made a bet with me that I would be married by the time I turned 25. While the bet was made partly in jest, the lingering idea that I could be married made me hopeful. So I followed Jesus closely throughout high school and college, avoiding the many temptations that encompass the college party scene, assuming the Lord would honor the bet by granting me a godly husband by 25. In my mind, I thought that I had to wait for a few months then God would lead a godly man that looked like Jess Mariano straight to my doorstep.

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3 Bible Verses On How To Love

Valentine’s Day is just a day. It’s February 14th every year. It has 24 hours in it. The sun rises at the start of it and the sunsets at the end. We eat. We drink. We go about our lives. Valentine’s Day is just a day. The ‘day of love’ has passed us by yet again and still, there is something deeply ingrained in our concept of this day that leaves quite a lot of us feeling a little more ‘lovey dovey’ than usual.

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