We Are Called to Right Now


We Are Called to Right Now via Tirzah Magazine I Photo by Sydney Forth

I never thought I would be “that” Christian girl. I’ve had friends who are, but I never thought I would be. I’m talking about those girls with burning passions in their hearts who just want to go out and do something... the something that they feel called by God to do. I have friends with a heart for Africa, kids, medicine, the poor, world missions and so many other beautiful things. But, each of them has also wrestled with a restlessness to get out there and start living these callings. I’ve heard their hearts cry out to find the “why” behind the fact that they are still in school or at their jobs when there are people and circumstances that need them.

Specifically, they don’t understand why it is not the right time to go where the Lord has called them when they are so willing to be brave.

Honestly, I’ve always been one to disregard feelings like that because I’ve never felt them. I confess that in thinking I had it all figured out, I’ve proudly believed these young women of God should just learn to be content where they are now, stop wanting something more, and trust the Lord’s timing for their hearts’ desires. Yes, contentment is a lesson we must learn, but how could someone like me who was always afraid to dream possibly understand the deep longing of a God-sized desire that will take time to come to pass?

I’ve heard a quote from the movie When Harry Met Sally that says, “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

But what I’m beginning to experience at this season of my life is this: When you realize what you want to do for the rest of your life, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

This is what the beautiful, passionate young women in my life have been feeling ever since the Lord awakened something special in them. They know beyond a shadow of a doubt their place in this world. They have seen a need that they are desperate to fill and they know that their God-given abilities are enough to help.

When the Lord began to give me dreams of going into full-time ministry and leading worship, I started to feel the same way many of these girls have been feeling for years — restless, unsettled, and aching for more. I began to understand the way that so many of us young Esthers feel, that there’s no way we could be called for “such a time as this” because we’re trapped in a place where it seems like we can’t chase our dreams. We’re stuck with a hunger that may not be completely fulfilled for a long time. It seems like we’re only called for such a time as someday.

[pullquote width="300" float="left"]I began to understand the way that so many of us young Esthers feel, that there’s no way we could be called for “such a time as this” because we’re trapped in a place where it seems like we can’t chase our dreams.[/pullquote]

What I’m learning, though, is that the things I’m doing right now are preparing me for what’s to come. Where you are right now is preparing you for your dreams.

God does not do anything randomly. Even sitting in English class, going to work at a job you dislike, or anything else you’re doing that isn’t the exact passion God has placed in your heart is preparing you for what is ahead. The Lord would not have put these desires in your heart if you were not supposed to do something with them, even if that turns out to be something you did not originally expect.

As great as it is to be content in where the Lord has placed us at any given time, we should also fully pursue our callings at every stage of life.

We can always continue to grow as followers of Christ by falling deeper into love with Him. We can practically pursue our dreams by equipping ourselves to be ready when the Lord calls us to jump in to them. Do everything you can to learn about your passions. Read, talk to people, volunteer and serve in ways that lead you closer to your calling. Sitting at home wishing we were somewhere else won’t get us anywhere. We must go out and do what we can, no matter how insignificant it may seem, because these small steps will add up to bigger things than we could ever imagine. Before we know it, we’ll be immersed in these dreams because we were faithful in the little moments that lead up to them.

We may feel like our time will only come someday. That we’re called for such a time as later. But we truly are called for such a time as right now.

// photo by Syndey Forth