The Most Important Thing We Can Do This Year

The Most Important Thing We Can Do This Year

It is safe to say that no one knows what this year will hold. None of us expected 2020 to turn out the way it did. Life as we know it has been turned inside out and upside down. While this is unnerving at times, as a Christian, it is vital to remember that nothing takes God by surprise. The most important thing we can do for ourselves this year is to dwell in intimacy with God.

God is omniscient, which means that He is all-knowing. He is aware of all that has been, is, and will be. While we are constantly taken by surprise, He is never taken by surprise. His knowledge is complete and beyond our comprehension. The safest place to be in a rapidly changing world is right next to Him. When we position ourselves near to God, the bible tells us that He draws near to us (James 4:8).

In the midst of uncertainty, the most certain place to be is with God.

God’s desire? is that we would remain close, we can see this throughout scripture. There is a standing divine invitation to intimacy with God.

In the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, intimacy flowed. God personally formed and created man and woman. He shaped them and breathed life into them (Genesis 2:7). Creation was a personal act, an act of intimacy in crafting life. He placed them kindly and carefully in the garden, and walked with them daily. He shared His heart for the world with them and watched with joy as they dwelt together in peace.

All the while He knew. He knew that humanity’s circumstances would change, but His heart for us never would.

As Jesus broke the bread and poured out the wine he knew the time had come. He beckoned the disciples to partake.. A symbolic act of intimacy. His body and His blood for theirs. No greater love ever existed (Luke 22:19). While this intimate scene played out inside the house, down the road they waited for Him. The Romans wanted the drama to end, the Jews wanted him dead. Political unrest and power plays swirled around. Betrayal hung in the air and all the time He knew. Even as He hung on the cross He knew.

Circumstances changed but His heart never has.

Now the Holy Spirit dwells within every believer. He is our gift. He never leaves us. He leads us. He teaches us to pray. He comforts us. He is our peace (John 14). A peace that surpasses all circumstances, all understanding - because He is all-knowing. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit brings us into intimacy with the God of Heaven as His heart now rests in ours.

Circumstances will change but His heart never will.

Start this new year from a place of intimacy and you will find peace that surpasses the uncertainty of the days ahead. Walk with God in the garden of your life, commune with Jesus at the table He has set for you, and live with the peace of the Holy Spirit reigning over every circumstance, knowing that the all-knowing God holds your heart dear to Him.

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Charissa is a teacher and writer. She has a Masters of Arts (Biblical Studies) and loves to minister from the word at Abiding Matters ( Charissa and her family are involved in ministry at her home church in Brisbane, Australia.