Posts tagged modesty
Modesty and Dating: A Letter From a Mom of Four Boys

Years ago, when my boys were young and impressionable, one of the grandparents had a talk on modesty with them.  They’d been upstairs, had all taken their bath before bedtime, and were probably running around naked (I’m rolling my eyes though - they were probably ages 5, 4, and 2).  My husband’s dad taught them at that early age that it was good to keep private, what should be kept private. I don’t know why that stuck with all of us so much over the years, but I’m thankful for his lessons on this topic, because it’s something I think about often as a mom of four sons and my perspective comes more from this angle.

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What Is Modesty?

In 1 Peter, Peter talks about how we shouldn’t adorn ourselves with fancy things (I’m paraphrasing) but he basically tells us to be plain… but is wearing a braid crown and sparkly earrings really sinning against God? The easy answer is no, the more difficult answer is, it could be. Now, don’t get me wrong - I like looking put together, so should I feel guilty every time I get myself together and wear that pretty necklace and mascara?

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