Posts tagged grief
A Tirzah Response to the Shooting in Uvalde

Our enemy isn’t a weapon. It’s not even a broken, sinful man who committed a horrendous crime. It is a devil who laughs in the face of this incident. He rejoices to see the lives of innocent victims lost. As Christians, our response is “to overcome evil with good”. We cannot change what happens, but we can create acts of love from our Heavenly Father while here on earth.

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Glory to Grieve

In the midst of unspeakable tragedy, there begins the floodgates of memories—the beautifully painful memories of those we did not have enough time with, whose lives were cut short, but also memories to create anew. A friend’s recent Facebook post captured my attention about the cycle, brevity, and finality of life, and how quickly life can be altered. How beautifully it can be created, and how it can be violently taken away

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My Inner Child

I wrote My Inner Child two years ago. Poetry is an outlet for my pain. Writing, although difficult, helps get pieces of my brain onto the page so that I have more clarity on my struggles. Little did I know that this is where I would continually meet with our God. Jehovah has used this poem as a place holder in my life. He has been whispering gently to me, “Darling, we are coming back to this place of pain and I will go through it with you.”

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