Shoba’s Corner: Make Me More Like Thee

Make me more like Thee, Jesus

Make me more like Thee

Give me a heart that’s filled with love

And make me more like Thee.

When I was a student at Bain School in Chennai India, this was one of my favorite choruses. Years later, I wrote my own Tamil version for Sunday School and sang it often. When I saw my young cousin Kalpana wearing a WWJD bracelet (What Would Jesus Do) I thought of how hard it was to actually live like Jesus in this world!

Be imitators of God.

Ephesians 5:1a NIV

Today we will look at Jesus and learn 3 specific ways we can be more like Jesus, every day.

1. Jesus entrusted himself to God.

Jesus, when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to God who judges justly.

1 Peter 2:23b NIVAre

Have you been mistreated and abused? Entrust the situation to God.

Are you worried about the blood test result and meeting the oncologist? Entrust it to God.

Are your son’s language and loud bursts causing you to cry? Entrust him to God.

What do we do when the twists and turns of life leave us in a place we never thought we would be? We can entrust the situation, the precious people including ourselves. in His hands.

The hands of God are the hands of love.

When you fall into God’s hands you fall into good hands!

God always has a plan B for us and his plan B will be better than our own plan A.

2.  Jesus modeled forgiveness in word and action.

John 8:11 Jesus speaks to the adulterous woman.

‘Go and sin no more.’ 

At this point when I wrote this essay, I took out my Bible, made myself a cup of hot tea, and sat in the garden to read John 8:3-11. What a picture of grace and love!

If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 6:15 NIV

Has your heart been condemning a friend or judging a family member? How can you be a Jesus to them?

Have you alienated a parent or sibling because of their decisions? How could you show them the same grace you enjoy from Jesus?

Do you find it hard to forgive a co-worker or a neighbor for their harsh words? Take it to God, He will make you more like Jesus- giving you the right actions and words.

3. Jesus didn’t rush through life

The gospels repeatedly show us times when Jesus noticed the sick, talked to the blind, and heard the cry of those in need. He had time to party with friends from all walks of life, worship at church, and spent much time in prayer. He was fully present.

Look up these verses and write out what you learn from Jesus:

  • Luke 5:16

  • Luke 8:23

  • Luke 10:38-39

  • Luke 17:12-13

  • Luke 18:16

  • John 5:6

In this stage of life, my husband and I are intentionally slowing down. I don’t work Fridays so it gives me time to admire the flowers in the yard, gaze at the sunset, and sing in the kitchen. Ranjit feeds the sparrows (they flock to our garden!), plays tennis and we enjoy time with friends, family, and quiet evenings.

What can you delete from your calendar? Is there someone who needs more of you at this time of life? Do your priorities need to shift a little?

Jesus must have laughed a lot, listened well, and looked with love and care- don’t you think?

Romans 8:29 says we were predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus. So let us commit to and pray about becoming more like Jesus.

What is one thing you could entrust to God right away?

Who is one person you can fully forgive like Jesus, now?

How can you embrace a life that is not rushed and crowded?

Let us know your thoughts below!