Season Of Singleness


Life is full of seasons and each season is an opportunity to learn something new. 

In a season of waiting, we learn the faithfulness of God. 

In a season of anticipation, we learn that God keeps His word. 

In a season of pain, we learn suffering is part of the journey.

Currently, I am walking through a season of singleness.

If singleness were a cake, it would be the flavor of waiting, frosted with anticipation and drizzled with pain. I have been walking this path since I was fifteen in that time I have learned some lessons I would like to share. 

The first is this path of not having a Godly man to do life with maybe or is often, just for a season. I have heard my mom say many times to encourage her friends, 

‘It’s only for a season.’ 

 Someone told me that my single season will last a whole longer than my married season.   I have been single since I was thirteen and I am hoping and praying that I will be married for much longer.  

But I feel like I need to be completely honest and say not all of you reading this will end up married. I know, I am kicking myself for writing that, too. We get lost in this thought that we, and all our gal pals, will end up married and riding off to happily ever after. That’s not the case. Some of us, and I am throwing myself into this category, have been called to a life of singleness. But those of us, who are called to a life of singleness will thrive in it with God by our side. 

“…If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”-Romans 8:31b NLT

The answer is no one. Enemies flee when God is on your side of the battlefield. He will always be your best companion and champion in life, married or single.

The second lesson is probably one you have heard, but it is worth reiterating. 

Singleness is a gift. 

You have opened a treasure chest some people never get to experience. I can see you now, rolling your eyes at that, because I did as well. Some people know who they are going to marry at fifteen, but you and I are on this treasure hunt of singleness. Being single, you are allowed to seek God on your own. 

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”- Jeremiah 29:13 NLT

As single women, we are given the time to focus on our relationship with the Creator of our lives, before we enter a relationship. When we find the guy God has for us, we will not be able to seek His face like we did when we were single. I know my relationship with God has grown tremendously during this season. He is the only constant; earthly men can come and go. God will ALWAYS be for you!   

For years, I viewed my singleness as a punishment to be cursed and not a gift to be treasured. I looked at pornography when I was about thirteen and have been single ever since. In my mind, I’d looked at something bad and God was punishing me. All I wanted, and still do, is a man to do life with. 

Singleness isn’t a punishment; it is a growing season. I am forgiven for my past; it doesn’t define me. the one who created me defines me. But at some point, in my mid-twenties, I realized that hating the season I was in was pointless. God holds the cards to my life and there is not any relationship I could force that could pull me out of this singleness season faster. 

“For everything there is a season, there is a time for every event under heaven.” -Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT

If you have a deep-rooted desire in your heart for marriage, it is on God’s Divine Calendar. Singleness will only last for a season, and it truly is a gift, even if you can’t see it right now. One day, we will look back and be thankful we had this time to focus on ourselves and learn what it means to delight in the Lord. And that brings me to my final lesson… 

Delighting in the Lord sometimes means a season of waiting.

“Take delight in the Lord and he will give your heart’s desires.”-Psalms 37:4 NLT 

My desire to be a wife was placed in my heart at birth by God, and He is the Ultimate Promise-keeper. That desire will come to fruition, but it just may require waiting. I am holding fast to the fact that God doesn’t back down from His promises. 

Waiting time is growing time. We have been given the opportunity to find our calling and purpose, the reason we are on earth. I believe I am here to spread God’s name and fame through my words. 

What are you here for?

While you are searching, remember God is fighting for you.

This season isn’t a punishment to be cursed, but a treasure to be cherished. It is a season. God has a great purpose for it and one day you will be thankful you walked through it.


Mary Hannah Thomas was born and raised in Social Circle, Georgia with her three siblings. Now she lives in the woods outside of Athens, Georgia. In between writing and spending time with Jesus, she enjoys a daily walk and baking. Mary Hannah is always down for a cup of coffee no matter what the time! To find more of her writing check out her blog: