Meet Inna + a GIVEAWAY


Today, we're hosting Inna Reus -- she is a nurse and creator of Sycamore Tree Naturals. Plus, Inna has generously offered to gift one of you with a gift box full of products from her shop (details below!).

Name: Inna Reus Age: 25 Location: Iowa Website: Sycamore Tree Naturals Etsy Shop

First, tell us a little about yourself!

I come from a large family. Love my family and friends. I have a bachelors in nursing and work nights at a hospital. Some of my hobbies include reading, crafting, gardening, and outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking. I’m vintage at heart -- I love collecting vintage finds from local antiques shops and refinishing them to decorate my place.

Inna Reus 2

You are the lady behind the Sycamore Tree Natural Shop. How did you get into creating natural skin care products?

Years ago I made soap from a Martha Stewart recipe. I also found an easy lotion recipe on a blog. Once I mastered the basic recipes I was able to tweak them and add my own touch.

What is your favorite product you’ve created and why?

It’s hard to choose a favorite so here’s a few products I use daily: natural deodorant, cleansing grains, sleep balm, and body lotion.

Why should people choose skin care with natural ingredients instead of typical drug store options? We hear all the time about how bad some of the chemicals are in a lot products, but what’s your opinion on this?

Most of the drug store products have toxic ingredients that are poisonous if swallowed. Why put this on yourself or your children? Our skin is the largest organ in the body and absorbs what we put on it. Natural skin care products are gentler and won’t have any of the long term side effects. And it’s so easy to start making your own products.

What are you favorite ingredients to use in your products and why?

I love the smell, taste, colors and usefulness of herbs. I plant all the herbs that I can get my hands on and incorporate them into my products.

Sycamore Tree Natural Shops

What is your favorite passage/verse/story from the Bible?

Isaiah 53. I read this over and over again. I love the promise and prophesy of the coming Christ.

What is something God is currently teaching you?

This is kind of personal. I pray that God will give me a Christ-like character. I want to treat others like they matter. I never want to treat others as though they are less than me. In Jesus eyes we are equally important no matter our race, gender, denomination, or station in life. I’m also praying and working on controlling what I speak. I don’t want to be judgmental or negative of others.

Inna Reus Interview

If you could tell your 18-year-old self something, what would it be?

Be yourself and don’t try fit in anyone’s mold. Embrace your uniqueness. Be the friend you want to have and treat others like you want to be treated. This will take you far in life.

Feel free to message me with any questions or ideas. I don’t have any trade secrets and love to share ideas and recipes. Find me on Etsy, Pinterest, or Instagram. Follow me on Instagram for ideas and project pictures.

Enter to win a gift box full of products from Sycamore Tree Natural Shop, including soap, lip balm, body butter and deodorant - all handmade with organic products!

Just use the widget below to enter (we'll notify the winner via email!). The giveaway ends on Tuesday, June 9!

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