Introducing: Tirzah Connect


In January, we vowed to spend more time in Bible study, and many of you have joined us in reading through the entire Bible in 2016 via Tirzah in the Word. To delve even deeper into the word of God, we also released a 21-day devotional study on living a set apart life in the modern world.

But we need more. We need community. Some of you are living away from home or in situations where you don't have any one to do Bible study with. Others seek accountability to open the Word each day and someone to encourage you to keep going when you miss a day (or a week or a month!).

Because how many times have you felt swept up by the word of God and motivated to answer a calling felt within your heart? How many times have you started a new bible study or reading plan? How often have you reluctantly watched as the little things in your life take back your time and energy?

Let's be honest here: diligence is hard. Keeping the promise to ourselves to swap out the junk fillers (Netflix, scrolling through your phone) for time spent with God is hard. We can feel so much pressure to maintain our schedules that sometimes we feel too exhausted to change old habits. We seek those comforts that aren't always healthy for us.

"And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." -Ecclesiastes 4:12

Tirzah Connect

So, this summer we are excited to announce Tirzah Connect, a new way to build fellowship and grow in our faith, together.

Here are the details:

  • Meet with fellow set-apart girls in a secure, online forum through a private Facebook group.
  • Find daily focus on Bible study amidst social media that often distracts us from what really matters.
  • Get daily supplements to #TirzahintheWord devotionals and creative tips to help you study the bible.
  • Build a network of young women also striving to live a set apart life.
  • Ask your Bible study questions and share what the Lord is teaching you daily.

You don't have to be reading on the Tirzah in the Word schedule - all our welcome! The group will be moderated by our Group Leader, Chanel Caulfield. She is a writer, lover of puns and currently working on a counseling degree. Most importantly, she is a follower of Jesus seeking new ways to build a fellowship in a chaotic world.

You are not alone here. You do not have to walk without guidance along your journey with God.

We realize that the modern world can leave us feeling isolated and we hope you join us in this journey of friendship!

To join request to join the Tirzah Connect Facebook group. Chanel will accept your request and you're ready to start posting and interacting with the other girls in the group!