Five Signs of a Cult

Once upon a time, I had a group of friends.  It started harmless enough.  We were the best of friends who loved to live life together.  One day everything changed.  Life started to get less and less fun.  Divisions were caused and rifts were built.  Suddenly, having fun was a sin.  Watching a movie that did not have the word “Christian” in it was the worst of sins and allowed demon possession.  We were the elite Christians and everyone around us needed to come to our level.

Y’all, this is not okay.  I’m so grateful for my family and the people in my life who were persistent in pulling me out of this group of people.  Sadly, they still exist today.  They spend their evenings or weekends seeking the mystical gifts of God.  Hours are spent evangelizing and worshipping.  These are not a sin, but it becomes a sin when the gifts become greater than the giver.  Our lives are no longer about Jesus when we only focus on the work that we’ve done for Him.  The thing is groups like this exist all over the country.  In one instant, you can become just like this.  It is important to guard your heart and seek Jesus above all else.  I wanted to pass a few tips on to you, dear reader, to keep you from falling into the same trap!

The leaders teach you to go to them, instead of the Bible to hear from God. 

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” - John 14:26.                                                  

One of the biggest green flags of a Christian who is reading their Bible is they quote God’s Word.  Ladies, the “read that self - help book” and “listen to that preacher” ideas should NOT be the core of your growth as a Christian.  Any preacher/teacher/mentor in your life should be teaching you to read the Bible.  When you have a question, go to the Bible, pray, and seek wise counsel.  If there is ever someone who tells you THEY have all the answers and are not teaching you about the Bible or the Holy Spirit, RUN.  You should seek wise counsel for your decisions, but your ultimate decisions need to come from the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and multiple wise individuals.

The church or group of people is isolating you from your family.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” - Eph.  6:1.                                                                                           

One of the biggest tactics I’ve seen of cults is to tell you your family is wrong.They will tell you that since you’ve gotten saved, you know way more than  your parents. The thing is the Bible does not say to honor your parents only if they are saved.  It says to honor them.  If you are in an unsafe situation with your parents and need to place boundaries - that is one thing.  However, God did give you the parents He gave you for a reason.  They do still have knowledge and God speaks very highly of family - He created family in Genesis, so we would not be alone.  Do not allow yourself to be isolated from your family - simply because a group of people tell you that is what Jesus wants.  That is simply not Biblical!

Instead of helping you discover your calling, they pull you into theirs.    

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called… Eph. 4:1

 Calling is such a specific topic.  Did you know we all have our OWN calling?  It interacts with different people, different seasons, and different places.  No group or individual should tell you that your calling is directly tied to them and them alone.  In the story of Paul in the Bible, he interacted with many individuals in different seasons for the glory of God.  That is your ultimate calling as a Christian - glorifying God and making disciples.  God gives you free will and will allow you to choose Him, His people, and your path.  No one should be forcing you into their calling or their group while alienating you from your own calling.

They try to make you live/exist in only one location.

“I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.  My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.” - John 17:14-16

 This sounds like a weird one, but you would be surprised with how many people try to convince others that Heaven is here on earth.  It is plainly clear in the Bible that God has put us on earth for His glory and to make disciples.  He says right here in the book of John that He prays for protection as we interact with the world - not isolate from it.  Heaven sounds beautiful and I can’t wait for it!  However, while we are on earth we are called to multiply and make disciples.  This is impossible if you isolate from those who don’t believe in Christ.

They threaten to cut you off if you find other friends or groups of people.

”You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide…” - John 15:16

If anyone in your life is threatening to isolate you from everyone else, you should be very wary.  Something to look for in the lives of your leaders and your friends is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  In Galatians it talks about the fruits of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self - control).  All of these characteristics bring unity.  God calls the church to unite and multiply - no divide and control others.  If a church or group of people is telling you to not be around other people who are not putting you in danger, that is a red flag for you to watch out for.  Bring more people into the body of Christ - not push them away.  

I hope this brings clarity to you on what a cult is. At the end of the day, a cult is a group of misguided people who have placed themselves or doctrines above God and the Holy Spirit. It is easy to fall into this trap and make the assumption that all Christians are this way. There are many wonderful Christians out there and God has given you His word and the Holy Spirit to help protect you. Stay tuned next week for our article on 5 Signs of a Healthy Church! They are out there and it is incredibly important to be a part of a community.