Embracing New Beginnings

478667_origA year ago, I was the maid-of-honor in my friend Sarah's wedding. We laughed as we helped her into her dress, put on her veil, and spent the night before her big day watching "The Proposal." Experiencing the beautiful joy of one of my best, high school friends getting married made me think of new beginnings.

God is so good to give us friends to help us achieve these new beginnings we so desperately need in our day-to-day. Sometimes, all we need is a friend's encouragement - a reassuring word that our idea is not crazy; that we are capable of doing anything we set our minds to.

Phillipians 4:13 tells us "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength." Now, wait just a second... all? Most people shy away from this word. "Oh, he didn't mean 'all', he meant, like, 'most' or 'Godly stuff only.'" No. With Christ, our wildest dreams can be made possible.

I'm not saying God is going to make every single one of our lives perfect, but that with God, anything is possible. We need to trust that He is bigger than any problem, fear, or doubt.

We don't need to seek perfection. God is perfect - through His grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we already perfect in His eyes. Since He can do all things, we can do all things through Him. This takes faith though that we can, in fact, move mountains with Christ on our side.

Craving new beginnings

How much do you trust God with the changes in your life?

It's a question to meditate on as you move forward. Because in order for change to flourish and transform your life (and maybe even the lives of the people around you), God needs room to move. And if we're so busy wrapped up in our own schedules, dreams and five-year plans, He has little or no space to reveal His glory in our lives.

What if Joseph decided to sulk and turn away from God when his own brothers sold him into slavery? What if Mary decided she didn't want the responsibility of raising the child of God and bearing the ridicule of society for getting pregnant out of wedlock? What if Moses grew frustrated with the Israelites indiscretions in the desert and quit?

What if Jesus decided He really didn't want to give up His life for the salvation of mankind?

The way you deal with change in your life determines your destiny.

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Praise Him in the changes.
Worship Him in the changes.
Serve Him in the changes.


Sometimes you'll feel like the change is completely out of your control - a sudden death of a loved one, a broken relationship or a sudden promotion you didn't expect. That's when you have a choice - to embrace the challenge and step into the will of God, or to let life's circumstances overwhelm you with depression and fear.

Other times, change is a choice you make - to apply for a new job, start a new relationship, strike up a conversation about Christ with a stranger, or let go of a hurt you've been harboring for too long. The thing is, God doesn't force us into His plan, He calls us. Your calling is a choice - you can say no and walk away. Or you can step out in faith into the unknown, guided by the Almighty who has charted your journey long before you were born.

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye." -Psalm 33:8

But, every calling has a beginning - sometimes it's terrifying (like walking on water or stepping off a cliff - spiritually speaking). Other times, it's almost not noticeable, because you're already at the center of His will for your life.

Trust Him with your new beginnings, knowing that, with God, all things are possible.  

As a follower of Christ, new beginnings shouldn't scare you; they should excite you. Be thrilled to see what God is planning for this new phase of your life. Trust Him with the insecurities and big changes that may accompany it.

“For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” -Isaiah 41:13

With prayer and God on my side, I know I can adapt to any change, new beginning or  situation.  I am grateful for His presence and His power, knowing that although I am small and weak, my Father is powerful and strong!

Changes will occur, whether we are ready for them or not. When those changes come, look to God.

Look to His trustworthiness and the hope He provides for us. The Lord placed this change in your life for a reason, and needs you to draw courage and move forward.


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