Commonly Asked Theology Questions


The word theology sounds pretty daunting to understand.  It’s a word we try to avoid and steer off into another topic which we may feel a little bit more comfortable with.  When we think about the word ‘theology’ we tend to think about Biblical academics, Christian history, and a lot of other subjects that we may think that is too difficult or irrelevant to jump into.  However, this is something as Christians we must not be afraid of addressing, especially when it comes to sharing the word of God to others.  It’s not something just for the highly educated or academic mind to understand.  It’s actually for everyone who wants to know and learn about God. 

Theology is anything and everything to do with God.  The one and only God who created each and every one of us.  The God who has a purpose and plan for our lives.  And the God that thought despite our imperfections, sin, and flaws, still completely and unconditionally loves us.  He is God of all, from the very beginning to the very end! 

“I am Alpha and Omega.  The beginning and the end, the first and the last.” - Revelation 22:13 (KJV)

Years ago, I remember telling myself that whatever I would study, all I know is that it wouldn’t be Christian theology (I laugh at this now - God sure has a sense of humor!).  I couldn’t quite understand why as Christians we really needed theology, and how it would ever be relevant to the context of my life. 

But somehow, God was able to lead me into studying Christian ministry, which then led me to theology, and then all these years later I now have my theology degree.  This is nothing but a God-thing!  It just goes to show that although God’s plans may be different than our own, they are always for our good, to help us grow in Him. 

So, what are some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding theology? And how are they relevant to us today?

Who is Christian theology for?

To know theology and to practice it, you don’t need years of study or qualifications under your belt.  You don’t have to be highly educated, and you don’t need to pass tests in order to let it be a part of your walk with God.  If you are a Christian, you are a theologian and are practicing it within the world, whether you are aware or not.  As followers of Christ, we strive to reflect our faith-based beliefs within our life, therefore, we are participating in theology. 

Throughout Scriptures, we are encouraged and advised to live by Christian values that not only reflect our commitment to our belief, but to also express our personal journey in which we have begun within Christ.  Grenz states “When we move beyond mere haphazard reflection on faith and consciously seek to articulate our beliefs systematically, we step into the discipline called “theology.” (1)

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” -2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

What is the purpose of theology?

To study and engage in theology means to know more about the Christian faith in every way, shape and form.  Theology is the study of God and anything to do with Him.  It is relevant to that of the people of yesterday and the people of today. 

Modern-day Theologian and teacher Micahel Patton says Theology itself provides a foundation for your philosophy and worldview, which in turn sets inclinations for your heart, actions and decisions in all situations.  Everything is affected by your theology.” (2)  Theology is to work within us and be a part of who we are as followers of Christ.  Theology helps shape us as individuals and is to reveal the truth about who God is and his connection to us as a faith community. 

For me, being able to study and delve into topics surrounding theology really helped me to know the purpose of theology in all areas of my life, and how to apply such lessons to my life in a practical sense.   It really made me think differently about absolutely everything.

“Theology fulfills a role in the life of the people of God.  Its purpose is ultimately “practical”; it is related to Christian life and practice.” (3)

How does Jesus culture relate to us today?

The historical Jesus figure is important to the Christian faith and the church of today.  Being able to learn about Jesus in His earlier context helps us understand and appreciate the dynamics of His ministry and the purpose it has for us and generations to come.  Lessons that were taught back in the days of the early Church are still of great value to modern times today. 

Although knowing and learning about the history surrounding the early beginnings of Christian ministry isn’t vital for our salvation, it is something that helps us understand Jesus more, and why He did the things He did for His people.  

During my studies, I took a real interest in learning about Jesus and how the early church worked.  Although church today may look a little bit different to that of when Jesus and His disciples were preaching, the foundations and purpose it was built on encouraged me greatly.  The examples they left are ones which many churches and Christian groups have unfortunately strayed away from today, so being able to learn about all these early details were of great value.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship to the breaking of bread and prayer.” - Acts 2:42 (NIV)

Theology is something that we shouldn’t feel like we should stray away from, but instead embrace.  When we are sharing about God, we are doing theology.  When we reading and studying about God, we are doing theology.  And when we are participating and walking in faith, we are living out a life full of theological experiences. 

Whether you decide to formally study it or not, I encourage you to learn more and more about God each day.  God is so amazing, and He wants to be in relationship with you, and to be your source of guidance and strength.  Don’t be afraid to ask someone about theology and how it relates to certain situations.  Be bold and know that God is and always will an omnipresent God.  Let Him in.  Your life will never be the same again.  

  1. Stanley J Grenz, Theology for the Community of God (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000), p. 1

  2. Micahel Patton, What is Theology?, August 22nd, 2005,

  3. Grenz, Theology, 7.


Jacinda has travelled internationally spreading the word of God with her performing arts. She has a continual passion to share hope into a world of hurt and darkness, and through her story of struggle and redemption, prays that others will also come to know Gods amazing love. Jacinda was the founder of the online faith publication 'Hearts of Gold Magazine' and now currently runs the blog 'The Contented Life' ( - dedicated to all things relating to motherhood. She has a Bachelor in Theology, Diploma in Christian Studies, and a Certificate in Performing Arts. She is now a full-time stay at home mum to a beautiful little boy, currently residing in a small town called Thames, located in the beautiful coromandel of New Zealand.