6 Ways To Make Time For Jesus In Your Day


If we're honest life gets busy and suddenly your schedule changes. Unfortunately, some things get forgotten or left for last and one of those things can be our time with God. If you start to notice that your life feels dry, or empty, that's a HUGE indicator that we aren't being fueled by our Lord Jesus Christ enough! So let's discover some tips on making time for Jesus in our day to day lives!

Quit making excuses

Excuses aren't going to get us anywhere with God. We've seen so many people even in the Bible who had a list of excuses to not do something. If there is anything we've learned from them is that God uses all people and all circumstances to further His Kingdom and build relationships with His children. When we start listing our excuses for why we aren't spending time with Him, we are delaying the start of Him showing us amazing things.

"The lazy man will not plow because of winter; He will beg during harvest and have nothing." -Proverbs 20:4

Start the day off praying

So many times in scripture we see people praying to God. Christ Himself prayed to the Father. When we pray we are participating in our side of the conversation with God. He wants to hear our heartaches, hardships, trials, etc. He also loves hearing us praise Him and exalt His name! As we speak with Him we can start our day knowing He is there, He is listening, and He loves us. Starting the day with Him on your mind and on your heart. A Psalm I pray some mornings is Psalm 34, after reading that I begin my prayer in my own words to Him.

“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” -Matthew 6:6

Create a dialog with Him throughout the day

We all have a constant conversation going on in our mind throughout the day. If we are honest, it is not always honoring to God. We dwell on unhealthy thoughts. Satan attacks us through our thoughts constantly and the only way to combat his tactics is through keeping our mind focused on God. What better way to do so than to keep a conversation with God in your mind all day long rather than dwell on the silly things in life that don't benefit us? A great way to do this is to memorize scripture and speak it to God throughout your day!

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand on God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist Him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced  by your brotherhood in the world." -1 Peter 5:6-9

Incorporate Jesus into your conversation with others

We encounter people all throughout our day. Whether its our friends, family, or a stranger. We get into so many different conversations, why not use them to talk about how great our God is? I understand that not EVERY conversation seems fit for throwing a "Jesus comment" into but trust me once you start to, it becomes part of our speech naturally.

If you're not comfortable incorporating Him into any conversation, I would recommend finding a friend or family member and ask them to be your accountability partner. Set aside a time in the day when you call or text about just how great God is. This can start come really encouraging conversations and also break down walls of vulnerability with someone. Growing not just the two of you together but also the two of you growing closer to Christ as well.

Set aside time to spend in the Word and follow through

Pick a time in your day, I know you're busy but we make time for silly things without even realizing it! If we can make sure to have nothing to do for an hour when our show is on tv, we can surely set aside time for God. Everyone's day looks different. Some people can have their quiet time with God bright and early in the morning. For you it may look more like on your lunch break, on the bus ride home, or before going to bed.

There isn't a "right" time during the day to spend time with God. He is there no matter when you come to Him, if that isn't encouraging I don't know what is! It takes time to get into the routine to spend time every single day with God. There is nothing wrong with setting alarms  or reminders on your phone! Sometimes we need that! When we spend time in Gods word we are allowing Him to participate in the other side of our conversation with Him. We speak to Him through prayer and He speaks to us through His LIVING word.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” -Matthew 6:33

End your day with Him

Whether ending your day with Him is having your time in the word before bed or not, its always great to end your day in prayer. This is your time to reflect on your day and acknowledge God's hand in your life during your day. Trust me its there. You waking up in the morning and taking your first big breath is proof His hand in constant in our lives. It becomes so encouraging looking back on our day and seeing all He has done for us in just one day. Talk about counting our MANY blessings.

Hopefully, one of these tips can help you connect with Jesus throughout the day. He is desiring a daily relationship with you and if you find yourself desiring the same thing, that is the recipe for God doing amazing things in your life.


I am a wife and mother to a new baby girl! I taught dance at a christian dance studio for 9 years, I've earned a degree in welding and engineering technology, and I have a passion for outreach. God has taken me on some amazing adventures that were sometimes difficult to walk through, and those were the circumstances He used to mold me into who I am today. That journey and molding process is continuing as my husband and our little family will be moving around the US with his job. We are excited to see what adventures God has in store for us next and what all He will show us that I get to share with others, like you!