Fight For Us: A Book Review

“[Jesus] answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning’ made them male and female.’ And said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?  So then, they are no longer two but one flesh.  Therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” - Matthew 19: 4 - 6 NKJV

A few times a year I, Alycia, get offers to review books for different companies.  I am selective about which ones I choose & Fight for Us was a book I couldn’t refuse.  You see, these past two or three years, I’ve been on a quest to learn about marriage.  I’ve never imagined myself as someone who stays at home while their husband went to work.  It just hasn’t been my desire and I’ve always dreamed of being a battle partner to someone, a marriage where we fought for and grew the Kingdom of God together.  While girls were reading Disney princess stories, I was reading fantasy fiction books where the girls went to battle with their partners.

When God put a desire for marriage on my heart, I began a new quest to learn everything I could about marriage.  This is my latest in a long list of books and studying real life couples to see about different types of marriages.  Chad Robichaux’s book has become my favorite of all the books I’ve read. That is because it is real and relevant to my life.  His story is of overcoming his past, trauma, and own actions, to rebuild his marriage.  This is so relevant because it addresses the stories that each person brings to their marriages.

Chad is a war veteran who saw a lot of combat.  He experienced many dark things in the world, like a lot of us have.  The ways Chad learned to cope almost destroyed his marriage.  Fight for Us is the battle plan he picked up, alongside his wife, after he found Christ.  Chad began a quest to find healing in his own life through Christ.  That was one of the biggest takeaways of this entire book.  Point your spouse back to Christ and don’t fix them yourself.  Allow them to receive their own help they need and simply love/support them right where they are at.  That is all the sneak peek I will give you of his tips, but here is my thoughts on who should read this book.

Fight for Us has a target audience that is not always reached.  It is the marriage book for the person who has experienced serious trauma.  A battle plan for the couple on the brink of divorce.  The strategic advice of someone who was steeped in trauma to the newlywed who married a soldier or someone who has experienced the dark side of life.  Anyone in these situations will find so much helpful advice!

A personal story for you to go along with this book is a realization I had when I finished reading the book!  When I reached the end of it, I saw a picture of Chad and realized I recognized him.  One of my favorite pictures of my “little brother” that I have saved on my iPad is him standing next to Chad.  I won’t forget the day that God laid it on my heart to take my brother to church and Chad was speaking on PTSD and the military.  My brother in Christ was a war veteran and I was so grateful for the time Chad took to talk to him.  He spoke to him and gave him great words of advice for finding community to find his own healing.  Everything he said lines up with this book and I’m extremely grateful to Chad for his service to the families & men who have served in the military, so they can live healthier lives.  Thank you to anyone at Tirzah who has served their countries military or who is married to military personnel!