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Til Death Do Us Part

When you go to a wedding, you hear the vow “Until Death Do Us Part”. Open the pages of a fairy tale and you read “Once upon a time, there was a princess and there was a prince…” Well, the story " Once Upon a Time with Death" brought us apart. A love that transcends even deeper, the deepest love possible - God’s love.

Once upon a time, there was a girl simply following God’s plan. All of a sudden there was a young man in need of God’s love. That girl would be me, and for the first time ever, I can’t even tell you the first time we met. My most solid and best beginning memory of our friendship was the rooftop of a bar in Milwaukee where a young adult’s group was doing street outreach. I watched my quiet friend get chest bumped into a dance battle. All of a sudden he and another dude are in a full on break dance battle in front of me.

I think that was the moment, for me, when our friendship was solidified. It continued to grow as we journeyed through church life together. He didn’t have his license, so I would pick him up at different addresses through the years. I watched him move from the City of Milwaukee to the suburbs of Oak Creek and back to Milwaukee. We would spend hours in the car writing poetry and listening to boy bands like One Direction. Did I mention that he not only danced, but had an amazing singing voice, as well? I have never been so happy that someone didn’t have a license.

Every year was filled with new memories. We decorated my house for Christmas one year, which he said he never got to do before, and made cookies and seriously colored Christmas pictures - like little kids at Christmas. I went on this kick where I wanted to pray in the middle of the night at a park near his house and we’d run to the grass and pray in the middle of the night after park hours. It was a magical friendship.

See - this is probably the part you’re waiting to hear about the romance because you’re hearing about a man and a woman… But, that was never our story. We were always meant to be brother and sister in Christ and God knew that. From every moment I can remember, this man would literally introduce me as his big sister and I would introduce him as my little brother. You can imagine people’s confusion when they looked at our skin - he was black and I was white. We looked nothing alike. You’re hearing my memories of one of the most special people in my life, but you’re also hearing the demonstration of God’s love and how He gives you the perfect people for you.

When I met this young man, he was suffering seriously from a mental health illness, that he was public about, that partially stemmed from his time in the military. Sometimes we would be talking and his eyes would glaze over and I’d have to stare into his eyes or wave my hand in front of his face until he came back to the conversation. One time, we went to Virginia to a Christian conference and I distinctly remember seeing a change in a man who couldn’t even check in to a whole conversation sometimes. That man started to experience God’s healing.

I watched him get his license. He bought his first house. Started college. And he was continuing to grow. Even when he wasn’t riding with me, there was not a birthday or holiday that he would ever allow us to miss. He even made sure to frequently remind me of his birthday - 10/10. God’s love transformed him on a path of growth and seeing God’s plans were greater than the enemies. It was so incredible to watch my friend transform under God’s love and healing.

We like to talk a lot about mental health and demons and deliverance ministry. I’m not saying my friend had demons. He did suffer from mental health issues though. What I watched was LOVE transforming a man from dark to light. Did I forget to mention he was also an amazing artist? He went from drawing pictures of demons to pictures of angels - literally. It happened through every hug, every prayer, and kindness extended by others. 

LoVonte, my friend, taught me that it’s God’s love and kindness that brings us into the Kingdom and into healing. He didn’t need some grand deliverance ceremony. He needed to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Death saw us part on March 19, 2024. Nobody actually knows how he died. I had got a dream job that he & I had prayed for so long ago, and I had just picked up my phone to text him. To tell him we would have lots of time together again when I received a text of his death - at that instant…

The end of this story, while sad, is not completely sad for me. We spent every moment God had for us together on this earth. LoVonte gave me space to be exactly who God created me to be - and I gave him space to be who God created him to be. His name, which had love in it, exemplified what so many said about him at his funeral. Despite all struggles, he always showed love to those around him and looked for God’s love. People have assumed the worst and made assumptions around his death.

But, I’m choosing to see that God has given him full healing and love - in His presence. If you’re a young woman reading this, I’m not saying go “adopt” the first guy you can find or drive young men around town. LoVonte met my family - one of my favorite pictures is of me, him, and my dad. He even went to a men’s steak night Bible study with my dad. We did life together with many people, but God clearly brought us together - until death saw us part. May this story be a reminder that every story is not what it seems, love always because you never know when you will lose your time, and God’s love transcends ALL.

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” 

- Psalm 27:13