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Six Ways to Refresh Your Quiet Time During Quarantine

I don't know about you, but during this time of lock down, I have actually found it harder to be consistent with my quiet time rather than easier. It should seem the opposite, shouldn't it? Now that many of our social plans, outings, and even regular work hours are disrupted, shouldn't it be easier than ever before to come before the Lord? To carve out that time? I was feeling immensely guilty during the week as I wasn't as faithful in spending time or as much time with God as I felt like I should. If you can relate to how I am feeling, read on, I am hoping this article can help to ignite your relationship with God during this tough time. 

Take Off The Pressure Of The Perfect Quiet Time 

Many people on social media and online have been waving flags barring this message. You don't have to do it all during this time of quarantine. You don't have to write that book, run that marathon, learn how to be a chef, or achieve your dream. Because we are not used to having this type of time, many of us are quick to try to fill it with more and more things instead of taking this time to really rest and reflect.

The same is true for our times with God. Many of us think that because we have more time, we should be spending it all with God or if we haven't been regular in our quiet time that we need to start having these elaborate moments with God. I think neither is correct.

If you have a quiet time that has been working for you, you don't need to alter it to be longer just because you have more time at home. You can keep doing what you are doing and being filled by God the way you always have been. It is great to be ambitious with our Lord, but we need to realize that routine often wins out over big plans.

If you want to be more intentional with God, try adding five or ten minutes to your current routine, instead of setting unrealistic goals like today, I am going to read four chapters in the Bible and pray for an hour and journal. Add on little by little, instead of trying to do everything at once. Though we might have more time, many of us still have to work, or raise children, or make dinner. Yes, plans have been canceled, but it is still wise to carve out time to exercise, get outside, and for recreation.  You need to meet God, where you always have and see what happens. 

Take Some Time To Write Out Reflections

One of my favorite writers and podcasters, Emily P Freeman, every three months takes some time to reflect and write out things that worked well or didn't work well in the past three months. She makes a list of things that were life-giving and not life-giving. This might be a great time to make a list like that. Think about your life before the quarantine, which I know can be tricky for many and make a list of the things that were truly life-giving to you and the things that weren't.

Make a list of things that are life-giving to you about your quiet time or time with God and things that maybe others told you to try but aren't working well for you. Whatever your list entails, be honest and open with yourself and God. What you discover might pave the way for changes you might need to make to your life once quarantine is over. 

Practice True Silence

In recent months I have been trying to cultivate the practice of silence and solitude better. With our world constantly screaming at us and giving us all kinds of different directions and things to do, it is important to take time and listen to what the source is telling us to do. Though it might seem quiet in terms of not being able to be around people or a part of your church family, it is still so loud on social media and through the opinions of others.

Take this time to pray over upcoming things in your life, decisions you want clarity on, friendships or relationships you want to pursue or distance yourself from, and truly listen. Come before God without agenda and just listening to the silence of all things. Come before Him without requests or impatient demands, but just listening and trying to experience Him. We can learn so much from God when we listen, rather than coming at Him with our long prayer lists. 

Keep Up With Community 

If you are feeling dry or discontent in your relationship with God, tell people about it. Though it might be more difficult without seeing people at church, small groups, or meeting up in coffee shops, we still have those friends we can go to when we are not feeling our best. Talk to your friends about how you are feeling, what you are struggling with just like you normally would. Call someone on facetime, have a small virtual group over zoom, or just pick up the phone.

The enemy wants us to live in our fear and uncertainty during this time, but by talking to trusted friends and mentors, we can help to tear down those lies together. Many churches are working overtime to connect people like never before, so even check out your local church's social media or website to see what steps they are taking to try to band their congregation together during this time. 

Keep A Gratitude Journal

This is something I have been doing for a couple of months now, and I can honestly say it has given me such an improved perspective. This practice is essentially taking a journal or piece of paper and writing down the things you enjoyed or were grateful for that day or the day before. Especially in a time where many of us are worried, scared, and not seeing many positive things, this practice is such an important way for us to see God's goodness tangibly. I am a firm believer that God is speaking to us through little ways every day. But because we are often so busy and flustered, these opportunities to engage with Him pass us by. Keep a gratitude journal daily and see the small ways God is blessing you during this time. 

Stick To Your Routine 

As tempting as it can be to watch another episode of Netflix, watch another Tik Tok, or aimlessly scroll through social media, try your best to maintain the quiet time routine you had before the quarantine. We need this time more than ever to make sure that we aren't getting stressed and overwhelmed.

The other day, I was cross with my roommates, and although part of it was me hitting the quarantine wall, a lot of it was because I hadn't taken time to release the stresses and concerns I had to the Lord that morning. I was too busy thinking I didn't need Him as much because I wasn't around annoying or trying people, that I forgot that I myself am an annoying and trying person. I am a sinner and I needed saved just as much alone in my home than out in public. We don't stop sinning just because we are stuck inside. Remember to take time to be with the Lord and really talk to Him about how you are feeling. He can handle all the emotions we throw at Him, but He simply wants us to come. 

I hope that as we are all navigating this unique experience, we can turn to God and grow in our faith instead of growing in the number of shows we binge-watched. Take time for recreation and to relax, but don't forget that we need God more than ever during this time. For those of you that haven't cultivated time to spend with the Lord each day just you and Him, take this time to dip your toes into the water slowly.

Tirzah is full of great articles that can encourage you to get started and best practices to spend time with God. Try out new spiritual practices and disciplines and see what works and what doesn't work. Know that God is just as much with you during this time as He is when we are busy and out and about. He has not abandoned us, and time with Him is more necessary than ever before.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2

Share your tips for spending time with God during this quarantine below! 


Rachel resides in Lancaster, Pa where she is a Digital Marketing Specialist. A recent graduate from Grove City College, Rachel hopes that her articles can help girls through hard times in college and also as they transition into the real world. In her spare time, you can find Rachel reading, hanging with her small group, exploring cute cafes, and longing for the ocean. You can find more of her writing at christiangirlcode.org