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Shoba's Corner: The Lord's Day... A Delight!

Yesterday, my friend Anna called and we had a friendly heart-to-heart chat. During the conversation I was sad to learn that Anna and her children had given up on going to church. ‘ “After Covid,’ she said, “we have all got used to online services. Booking a place to go to church seems like one more thing to do.”

 I knew how involved the Georges had been at church before and so this made me sad. A cousin of mine, Karina, also told me that church online meant lazy Sunday mornings, no dressing up and pancakes. What does the Bible say about the Sabbath day and getting together for worship? 

“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy., 

Six days you shall labor and work but the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord your God.

On it you shall do no work.”-Exodus 20:8,9-10b NIV

Are you tempted to take out your laptop and catch up on work on a Sunday?

Do you long to sleep in on Sunday after a busy week at work?

Growing up in India, Sundays meant we would wear our church clothes and go to church as a family. Amma would prepare a tasty spread for lunch and in the evening Appa would not open his clinic. It was a special time for our family, our time with our busy doctor father- we would go to the beach, visit cousins and sometimes have a picnic. When I was a teenager, Appa studied Theology and would speak at different churches each week. As a family we visited many different churches in Chennai because of this. I attribute my love for hymns and church services to this!

The Bible calls us to keep the Sabbath day holy. 

I love that God rested on the 7th day. 

“By the seventh day the Lord had finished the work he had been doing, so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”-Genesis 2:2 NIV

When my sons were young we did a few things which helped us get to church on time, be regular and enjoy it as a family.

  • We packed our church bags and laid out our clothes on Saturday evening itself.

  • The boys packed their Sunday School book, a children’s Bible, a bottle of water and when they were young some crayons and biscuits too!

  • I laid out my jewelry to match my attire and kept aside cash for the offertory. 

  • On Sunday morning breakfast was something easy to prepare and easy to eat. 

  • We always arrived at church at least 15 min ahead of time giving us time to pray in quiet and enjoy the organ music.

  • I was a Sunday School teacher for nearly 15 years in India and about 5 years in New Zealand. During that time I made sure I prepared and packed all resources the day before and went early to set up and welcome the children.

 After moving to New Zealand, our boys took part in the service in different ways, as candle bearers, as Liturgist, leading worship and then leading the church youth group.

“Don't do as you please on the Sabbath.”-Isaiah 58:13

We are asked to call the Sabbath a delight!

The verse also refers to the Sabbath as the Lord’s Holy day.

As a mother, pray that God will quiet your hearts and prepare you as a family to ‘worship God in the beauty of holiness’

Make sure that children who can read follow the words of hymns as they are sung at church. Soon they will be singing along and following the liturgy, the Bible reading and prayers as they are read. Pray that young children will be well rested and will be in a good mood.

If we are traveling on a Sunday, we joyfully attend a service in a church nearest to us. We have attended church at North Berwick in Scotland, at Hamilton, Invercargill and Coromandel in NZ when we traveled.

Don't you  love that God observes Sabbath rest?

“By the seventh day the Lord had finished the work he had been doing, so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”-Genesis 2:2 NIV


Shoba Ranjitsingh is an architect, writer, a proud mother and an absolutely thrilled grandma to little Nivin. Shoba enjoys studying the Bible and her role as STL at Bible Study Fellowship in Auckland in NZ for 6 years has enabled her to now write and lead Women's Bible Studies. Helping women study and enjoy God's Word as they embrace everyday ordinary life is her prayer as a writer. Long walks, cakes, hymns, books, quiet family evenings, chatting with family across oceans describe Shoba. In this phase of life, Ranjit and Shoba enjoy feeding the birds, smelling the roses, pursuing their hobbies and being grateful for all that God has called them to do. Shoba works as a Learning Support in a Primary School in Auckland and everything simple, honest and true bring her joy!