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Paint the town…with Humility and JOY!

Paint the town…with Humility and JOY! Humility is no easy thing. In fact, it is probably the most difficult of virtues to practice. Allowing others to rise above us, accepting blame despite being guiltless, acknowledging that we may not receive credit for what we have done - these are all difficult pills to swallow.

The idea of being humble is very appealing though. We want to be that person that gets recognized despite not being boastful of our talents. We want someone to notice the good we do...that we make a difference. But is that really all humility is? Does humility truly only mean to think lowly of oneself? To self-deprecate oneself so others around you don’t feel worthless?

[pullquote width="300" float="right"]“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” -C.S. Lewis [/pullquote]

There’s more to being humble than meets the eye.

Being humble means that no act or service, however great or however small, is beneath you. That in the service to all of God’s creatures, we lay aside our pride to serve others as Christ did, knowing that we are a people blessed by the grace of God, a grace extended to all of us by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Fortunately, we don’t have to look far for a perfect example of true humility; we have one who is always with us - Jesus Christ.

Yet it shall not be among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. -Mark 10:43-45

Through the way He lived His life on this earth, Jesus showed us how to ground our lives in humbleness and compassion. His complete surrender to the Father’s will allowed Him to accomplish everything He set out to do. Jesus was able to serve the people by sacrificing Himself because He relied solely upon God. In everything that Jesus did He knew the source of it all came from the Father. Likewise, we are called to behave with a humble attitude because we know the source of all our abilities and accomplishments is God.

[pullquote width="300" float="left"]Being humble means that no act or service, however great or however small, is beneath you.[/pullquote]

We know that on our own we can do very little, instead, we are strengthened by the grace of our Father, and the prayers and support of our family and friends. Personally, I know without a doubt that everything I’ve accomplished in life has been a team effort. I may have had to do a majority of the physical labor, but without the abundance of grace and strength I receive from the Father and the encouragement and help from those I love, I would be nowhere.

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. -James 4:6

Knowing that the source of it all is God, we should also understand that being humble does not mean being timid or meek. Playing small and belittling our efforts and our talents is not true humility, if anything it’s false modesty.

But how can we merge the two aspects of humility - owning up to our talents and serving others?

Just remember this - J.O.Y: Jesus first, others second, and you last.

As young women living in a time such as this, we are tasked with living a purposeful life for the Lord. This means honing our talents and characteristics, such as compassion and love, in service to God’s people. Own up to your abilities and be proud of what you can do because it is a talent that is given to you from above. Use it wisely.

Just remember that your source and foundation is first and always Jesus, and that like Jesus we are called to a vocation of service, whatever shape and form that may be.

So the next time you or I are presented with an opportunity, menial or not, let us paint the town, the city, and the world with JOY. May your faith fully rest in our Creator as we serve His people with humility, grace, and love!