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Learning From The Woman Of Samaria

I don’t know about you, but when I used to think of missions, I limited it to preaching the gospel to developing nations that are hundreds, if not thousands, of miles from home. Little did I know, I was putting God in a box. I limited the gospel to impoverished people who live far away from me. 

I recently read through John 4, a passage I have read many times before, where Jesus meets a woman of Samaria, and what stood out to me the most was what followed after Jesus’ interaction with her. 

Usually, when this story is referenced, you hear about the woman’s rejection from society and how the sin in her life had caused her to live as an outcast. We also hear about the way Jesus approaches her and reveals that He knows her (verses 7-18). There is a big emphasis on how Jesus reaches out to someone who is, by her society’s standards, worth very little. While this is important, I’ve found that it is usually left at that. 

However, the story continues once she leaves. Verses 28 through 29 read she “went away and said to the people ‘Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?’ They went out of the town and were coming to him.” Even in her uncertainty and questioning if she had just met Christ, her interaction with Jesus caused her to want to share the news about the person she just met. 

Later in verse 39, we read that “Many Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony.” The Samaritan woman didn’t wait until the opportunity presented itself for her to go on a mission trip hundred of miles away to share the Gospel. She witnessed to the people in her town.

In sharing the gospel, the Samaritan woman was only contributing part of the complete work Jesus was doing in her neighbors. These people confessed that “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world” (verse 42). God used her so more Samaritans could develop their own relationship with the Savior.

Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well changed an entire community because of how one person responded to the good news Jesus brings us all. Our mission is to make disciples, regardless of where we are.

More and more I’ve prayed, “Lord, create opportunities for me to share the gospel with someone this week.“ It’s taught me to anticipate how God will answer that prayer and at the same time helped me prepare for sharing the gospel and/or encouraging an unbeliever. 

Let’s strive to be missional in our own backyard. Read the word and reflect on how you have encountered God’s work in your life. As the Apostle Peter urges us;

“Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” -1 Peter 3:15


Meagan Gutierrez is a kindergarten teacher in New York City. She is married to her best friend and together they love to travel and eat good food. In her spare time, Meagan loves to serve others and enjoys reading!