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Happy Thanksgiving + A Brief Hiatus

Happy Thanksgiving from Tirzah Magazine, a community of set apart young women

In a little over a month, Tirzah Magazine will turn one, and my heart is humbled at what God has grown this community into. I wish I could collect all your kind words, emails, comments and prayers and bind them in a book to treasure for years to come. But more importantly, I wish we could all somehow be in the same place for at least a few hours - to sit around a large table laden with food and flowers, the conversation flowing easily intermixed with laughter and tears. We'd talk about our hopes and dreams, the lessons God is teaching us right now, and our favorite Scriptures. It would be a time of fellowship, prayer and worship in the simplest kind of way. I wish it with all my heart.

Unfortunately, this letter will have to suffice for now (although I am still praying for this Tirzah dinner, so in God's timing, my friends!).

Kimmy (our managing editor) and I have been doing a lot of praying and brainstorming about Tirzah's future, and God has put some big dreams in our hearts.

So, we will be taking the month of December off from posting new articles on Tirzah to give some much needed time off to our contributors.

This is a busy season for all of us with finals and holidays, so this is us encouraging you to focus on your family and friends in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, we'll be working behind the scenes on launching the Esther Bootcamp in 2015, and bringing more quality content to you in the new year.

We still welcome you to visit our site in December to read up on past articles, and we will continue to post encouraging words on our social media pages. Of course, we'll also keep up with sending morning devotionals to your inboxes, so if you haven't yet signed up, now is the time (just enter your email below)!


As always, stay in touch. We welcome your suggestions and questions (just use the contact box on the sidebar).

We also ask you to keep this community in your prayers, especially Kimmy and I as we start working on these big projects. And, please don't forget the names and requests on our Prayer Wall - there are people hurting out there, sisters in Christ who need our prayers and support right now for their families, careers, education, and most importantly, their hearts.

Happy Thanksgiving, lovelies. May you hold your loved ones a little tighter this season and remember to accumulate memories, not material stuff.

With all my love,

Yelena Bosovik

Founder + Editor-in-Chief