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Following The Leader

We must listen to and obey God more than pleasing religious leaders.

Acts‬ ‭5:29‬ ‭

God’s call on your life is greater than the “yes” or “no” of men. When going through a personal experience of my own, I have wondered about the people that stand in the way of what God wants to do. I mean, I know God's plan will ALWAYS come to fruition, He doesn’t have a Plan B. But what about the people that intentionally stand in the way because of jealousy, insecurity about their own ministry or they just have personal agendas to position themselves? What about the ones whose “yes” is now a “no” because they have been influenced, or maybe even extorted by man? (Ecclesiastes‬ ‭7:7‬)

I guess I don’t really have those answers because I’m not God. But I will say, there is a difference between standing in the gap for someone and standing in the way of someone. I will always choose to be a bridge builder, someone that will dream dreams with you and not feel threatened by what God is doing for and through you. I don’t need to level up on the backs of other people, I serve a big God that levels people up as He sees fit. When we encourage one another to be obedient, we all win! 

I don’t know the answer you’ve been given to your dream or vision, but I want you to know that your obedience to God outweighs the “punishment” of man. People that were once friends with you may turn their back on you, but that’s okay, God always has your back. Hebrews 13:5 says, “I will never leave you alone, never! And I will not loosen my grip on your life!” 

Listen. Be obedient. Trust Him with the “yes” or “no” He has given you.  

I see what you’ve done. Now see what I’ve done. I’ve opened a door before you that no one can slam shut. You don’t have much strength, I know that; you used what you had to keep my Word. You didn’t deny me when times were rough.

Revelation‬ ‭3:8

Can you think of a time when you trusted God with a “yes” or “no” decision?


Jaime Roever is a published writer, public speaker, ordained minister, and justice seeker that has a love to minister to women of all ages. She is a communicator at heart and is passionate about sharing the word and it’s practical truths that apply to real everyday life and how God will meet you there. Jaime lives in Texas with her husband Matt, and she is a mom to two sons. Jaime is Cooper certified as a physical trainer and is a self defense instructor, providing women with the tools to live their best life. She also works with the Special Victims Unit for the San Antonio Police Department as an advocate for victims of domestic violence. You can find her on Instagram at @withlovejaime.