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Don't Worry About A Thing

A popular song most everyone is familiar with is Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds.’ It has repetitive lines that goes like this:

“Don’t worry ‘bout a thing

‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright”

I recently had a cold and I began having some worry about my infant son. I began to become anxious about him catching the cold from me. I knew he would likely be fine, but would be miserable with the congestion and coughing. I kept praying over him, and my husband, that they would not become ill. This may seem like such a small thing, but I realized I was becoming consumed by my fear. I asked God for peace and the above song came to my mind. When I began feeling anxious again, I sang these two lines and thanked God that he would take care of the situation. Thankfully, my husband and son stayed well, but even if not, every little thing would have been alright. 

It seems our world is filled with worry, stress, and anxiety. Everywhere you turn there is something that can cause anxiety - world events, community issues, or stressors within your own home. 

When I become stressed, or worried, or anxious, I think of fog. Due to the valley I live in, some mornings we can have dense fog. It can be hazardous driving because you cannot see very far in front of you. God reminds me that our life is like the fog. We may not be able to see our future in front of us, like driving in fog, but we know Who can. God holds our future and every situation we have concern about. 
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7). Do not be afraid and do not be anxious. Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you and give you peace (Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Matthew 6:34, Psalm 55:22). Pray for the Lord to calm your stressed, anxious, and worried heart and remember no matter what, “every little thing gonna be alright.”