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Creativity Is a Choice, Not a Feeling

Being creative on my own terms is what I am used to doing. Since I struggle with being disciplined, it’s just easier to do things when I want to, rather than making an intentional decision. After basing my creative process (i.e., that it’s easier to do things when I want to) on this lie, I have realized not only how selfish it is, but how stuck it has gotten me.

Only creating when you feel inspired is a passive way to commit to your talents and gifts. I am trying to become more aggressive, if you will, instead of letting emotions dictate what I do. I am finding that my current emotions battle with my future ambitions. It is hard to transition out of this mindset - to be engaged not solely with your emotions, but also your mind and truth.

If you are anything like me, you may battle this tug-of-war with emotions when it comes to being creative. I do think it is important to create when I feel like it. There is something so special when our emotions become moved by an object or something we see. It forces us to want to create. We can’t deny it.

Even with this adrenaline of emotion, it’s an unrealistic expectation to have it all the time though. Just like love. It’s a choice we make, not always a feeling. With creativity, we may not always feel inspired, but we should attempt to create anyway. 

Sometimes, we create our best work out of  “not wanting to create” because we start to push our own mental and emotional boundaries. Inspiration comes and goes, but our ability to create does not.

A lot of times, people wait for things to come to them so they don’t force it. But what if the only way to come up with something new is to actually just do it? Push it out - actively embrace lack of inspiration. Maybe even try something new. Do it even if we don’t want to.

Sit and write for 30 minutes, even if it never gets published.

Sit and paint for hours, even if we don’t put all our work out on display or even like it.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… -Zechariah 4:10

Your inspiration doesn't always come to you, sometimes you need to go find it. And if you can’t find it, go out into this beautiful world we live in and look around. We can appreciate all that God has created by stepping outside. Isn't that amazing? Everyday we get to see the most creative Person’s work.

Start. Start with one word. One sentence. One brushstroke. And see what happens. Just start. 


My name is Moriah Spencer and I’m an English Major at Nyack College. Ever since I was young I have had a passion to create. Whether that be writing a story, painting, or decorating my room. God has given me a desire to share how He has changed my life and I am excited to take you along on my journey!